The Executive Committee members

Clara Cruz Santos, Portugal

EC Member

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra - Social Work
Rua do Colégio Novo, 1,
3001-802 Coimbra
Tel / General: +351239851450


Social Work

Portuguese, English

Teaching Subjects
Social Laboratory I (Social Work Professional Identity; Skills and Competences of Social Work)
Social Work Sectorial I (Social Work in Municipalities and Social protection)
Social Work Sectorial II (Social Work in Justice, Education and Employment)
Methodologies and Practices of Social Work
Master in Social Work:
Conception and Evaluation of Social Intervention Projects

Current Activities
• Coordinator of the Master in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
• Coordination of the "Uniting causes" - Volunteering Project at the University FPCE;
• Member associated of Social Intervention Observatory and Citizenship from Coimbra University.

Fields of (Scientific) Interest
• Coordinator of The Project “ResaurCe (2013): Reviewing social auditing practices to combat exploitative brokering in Southern Europe” Call For Proposals HOME/2012/ISEC/AG/THB/
• Researcher in the Project of “ADVISORY BUREAU FOR SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY MEDIATION” Main Researcher under the Grundtvig Program
•Master Thesis in Social Intervention Supervising

Current research interests
Current research interests
•Practices and Models of Social Intervention in Social Work.
•Analysis of the interpretive processes of “Fundraising” and social management.
•New Social Policies and Poverty in Portugal.
•Social Epistemology.
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